Chapter 2


Usage is quite simple. Explanation of the specific features can be found from the submenu.

> goshs -h

goshs v1.0.2
Usage: goshs [options]

Web server options:
  -i,  --ip           The ip/if-name to listen on             (default:
  -p,  --port         The port to listen on                   (default: 8000)
  -d,  --dir          The web root directory                  (default: current working path)
  -w,  --webdav       Also serve using webdav protocol        (default: false)
  -wp, --webdav-port  The port to listen on for webdav        (default: 8001)
  -ro, --read-only    Read only mode, no upload possible      (default: false)
  -uo, --upload-only  Upload only mode, no download possible  (default: false)
  -nc, --no-clipboard Disable the clipboard sharing           (default: false)
  -si, --silent       Running without dir listing             (default: false)
  -c,  --cli          Enable cli (only with auth and tls)     (default: false)
  -e,  --embedded     Show embedded files in UI               (default: false)
  -o,  --output       Write output to logfile                 (default: false)

TLS options:
  -s,   --ssl          Use TLS
  -ss,  --self-signed  Use a self-signed certificate
  -sk,  --server-key   Path to server key
  -sc,  --server-cert  Path to server certificate
  -p12, --pkcs12       Path to server p12
  -sl,  --lets-encrypt Use Let's Encrypt as certification service
  -sld, --le-domains   Domain(s) to request from Let's Encrypt		(comma separated list)
  -sle, --le-email     Email to use with Let's Encrypt
  -slh, --le-http      Port to use for Let's Encrypt HTTP Challenge	(default: 80)
  -slt, --le-tls       Port to use for Let's Encrypt TLS ALPN Challenge (default: 443)

Authentication options:
  -b,  --basic-auth    Use basic authentication (user:pass - user can be empty)
  -ca, --cert-auth     Use certificate based authentication - provide ca certificate
  -H,  --hash          Hash a password for file based ACLs

Misc options:
  -u  --user          Drop privs to user (unix only)          (default: current user)
      --update        Update goshs to most recent version
  -V  --verbose       Activate verbose log output             (default: false)
  -v                  Print the current goshs version

Usage examples:
  Start with default values:    	./goshs
  Start with wevdav support:    	./goshs -w
  Start with different port:    	./goshs -p 8080
  Start with self-signed cert:  	./goshs -s -ss
  Start with let's encrypt:		./goshs -s -sl -sle -sld,
  Start with custom cert:       	./goshs -s -sk <path to key> -sc <path to cert>
  Start with basic auth:        	./goshs -b secret-user:$up3r$3cur3
  Start with basic auth empty user:	./goshs -b :$up3r$3cur3
  Start with cli enabled:           	./goshs -b secret-user:$up3r$3cur3 -s -ss -c