Restricting functions

Restricting functions

You can restrict the goshs functions, for example if you want to block download or upload of files. You can also activate silent mode, so that the UI is ommitted.

Block uploads (read-only)

You can block the upload function by using the read only mode with -ro. Uploads will not be possible anymore.

Block downloads (upload-only)

You can also block the downloads and use goshs as a file dropping service by utilizing the upload only mode with -uo. Downloading files will not be possible anymore.

Deactivate Clipboard (no-clipboard)

You can furthermore deactivate the clipboard sharing option. Using -nc the clipboard will not be shown in the UI and is deactivated.

Deactivate UI (silent)

By using -si you can deactivate the UI to use goshs in silent mode. The only thing that will be shown in the browser is the following.

silent mode silent mode


Please note, that this will not disable the json directory listing.

$ curl -s localhost:8000/?json | jq
    "name": "test.txt",
    "is_dir": false,
    "is_symlink": false,
    "symlink_target": "",
    "extension": ".txt",
    "size_bytes": 0,
    "last_modified": 1685541810000,
    "ReadOnly": false